Monday, January 4, 2016

My Current Diagnosis for 2016

If you've been following my blog, you might notice, what I'd consider as a writer, some inconsistencies. Basically, I talk about my symptoms, but my diagnoses have changed over the last year or so. For example, if you go back to May 2015, I claim to have Systemic Lupus Erythmatosis...and that's because in 2015, that was my diagnosis. Shit, that's part of the reason I started The Purple Moth.

However, my current doctor who has been incredibly proactive, has explained that she does not believe my condition to have to do with autoimmunity. Which is entirely possible.

In my most recent post, titled It Gets Better, I explain the most recent discoveries my doctor has made involving anemia and depression, along with the amount of time I've lived with anemia and spinal deformities.

I wanted to clarify what my current conditions are, if one were to read my chart:

  • Anemia
  • Scoliosis
  • Anxiety/PTSD
  • Depression
  • Fibromyalgia

I'm honestly not sure whether I have Fibro or not. I definitely have lots of the symptoms, but whether I actually have it or if I just have negative effects from prolonged anemia is uncertain. It's something I'll definitely need to talk to Dr. S. about this month, anyway. My first doctor at my current clinic diagnosed me with Fibro and it was never redacted from the chart. So we'll see.

At any rate, I'm so happy to be getting good treatment this year. I sincerely hope that everybody reading gets equally good treatment from their doctors and medical staff. It's not always easy. Sometimes it downright sucks. So my thoughts are with all'y'all.

If you'd like to share your own diagnosis/es, or your experiences with doctors/staff, hit me up at The Purple Moth loves to hear from others, and I'd love to feature you.

It Gets Better

A couple months ago in late 2015, my doctor explained that I clearly have depression. She has been awesome in working with me to figure out the root. It only took a month before we nailed it on the head:

Essentially, I've been living with chronic back pain due to scoliosis for 7 years. I have also have chronic fatigue for 7 years, but I didn't understand why until recently when my new doc pulled up the labs she ordered and noticed that I was severely anemic with a lack of vitamin D as well.

I've had a couple doctors say that I'm anemic. But they just said "you're anemic, eat foods with iron" and that was that. I had no idea how severely my health had deteriorated due to this untreated anemia. I didn't have the slightest clue that what I was dealing with was significant as it was.

My doctor put me on iron supplements and vitamin D. My chronic fatigue was finally able to be treated. Some of my symptoms actually started disappearing. I had been told I have Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis...I'd been put on SSRIs, heavy opiates, benzos...and what helped the most...

...was vitamins. 2 very simple, very inexpensive vitamins.

In a way, I'm furious. Anemia has showed up on every one of my labs since I was 13. That means that every doctor (until this one) I've had since 2003/2004 has failed to explain that this was actually a serious thing, that anemia has real consequences if left untreated. I've had chronic fatigue for 7 years, but I've had severe, debilitating on-and-off fatigue for 12 years. It feels completely unacceptable.

Evidently, my anemia was the cause of my depression. It added to my anxiety. It created insane symptoms of pain and fatigue that were just awful. And now I have vitamins...and I can function again.

It's truly amazing. I can't imagine what would have happened if I hadn't met my current doctor. If I hadn't met her, I'd still have opiates and benzodiazapines and muscle relaxers shoved down my throat. I'd still be having all these unnecessary tests run, and crazy diagnoses that are really mis-diagnoses.

So, to the people with depression who aren't satisfied with the medical attention they're receiving: PLEASE DO NOT FUCKING STOP SEARCHING. There really are answers. I couldn't even believe it when I got an answer. I never thought I would, but I did. I know other people who have had similar experiences and were totally blown away when they found out that there was something they could do.

And remember that those feelings of loneliness, hopelessness, sadness...those are symptoms. And symptoms can be treated. 

When you look at your depression symptoms for what they are - symptoms, and not just negative emotions that you have to feel - you can more easily seek help and see depression for what it is. (A legit medical condition.) And you so are not alone in this endeavor! Talk to me, talk to a stranger, talk to a friend, talk to a counselor...anyone. But especially talk to a doctor.

You aren't alone, and you don't have to give up. It really does get better.

And if necessary, you can always ask for prescription cats.