Monday, May 4, 2015

"Chronic Illness Cat" A Meme for Us!

I cannot emphasize enough how much I adore cats. So when I found out that this meme existed, I just about shat my pants...which for some of us, is just something that happens on occasion. But now there's a cat to encompass that!

You can find the meme's page HERE. Here are some pictures of this godsend from the interwebz! Happy browsing!

Chronic Illness Cat - Morning: 6 cups of coffee to wake up Evening: Take Sedatives to go to sleep

Chronic Illness Cat - Can remember Phone # from Childhood Can't remember what i just walked into this room for

Chronic Illness Cat - 'you can't drink coffEe now, you'll be up all night!' ahahahaha.

Chronic Illness Cat - Break down at dr office because of pain DIAGNOSES: Depression

Chronic Illness Cat - Phone Rings. Triggers Panic Attack. Every. Single. Time.

Chronic Illness Cat - you know you have fms when... every conversation ends up like a game of pictionary

Chronic Illness Cat - I don't give a flying spoon No really, I don't have any left To give today

Chronic Illness Cat - my body is staging a violent rebellion

Chronic Illness Cat - diagnosed with fibromyalgia nobody believes me because i'm a guy

Chronic Illness Cat - Mother in law gets you bunches of cozy fleecy things for christmas you quickly decide you now truly love this woman

If you'd like to show some support for their creators, check out the website and spread some upvotes. Or create your own and send it in!

"May the 4th be with you."

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